It is with great joy I welcome you home to the fold of Christ. You are now a new person in Christ Jesus.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)
Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
It is worthy of note that you are no longer who you used to be and the state you used to be in. Christ has delivered you completely from the power of darkness, and placed you in a new kingdom of his dear Son Jesus (Colossians 1:13).
However, the devil doesn’t stop shooting his shot, but be of good cheer, Christ has set you free from his stronghold. He can only make attempts; he no longer has power over you. You are now dwelling in a realm of unapproachable light with your Father (1 Timothy 6:16), far above principalities and power.
Your new identity according to 1 Peter 2:9:
A Chosen generation
A Royal priesthood
An Holy nation
A Peculiar person
Who has been called out of darkness into Light to show forth the praises of God.