A family is a group of people who are closely related to one another especially by blood. When a child is born, he or she belongs to a family, so also is when a man is born again, i become a Christian. He also belongs to a family of believers all bonded by the blood of Jesus. As no baby can survive and thrive well in life without a functional family, so also no believer in Christ can thrive well without belonging to a family of believers, which we can also called a church or fellowship.


Hebrews 10:25(TPT)

“This is not the time to pull away and neglect meeting together, as some have formed the habit of doing, because we need each other! In fact, we should come together even more frequently, eager to encourage and urge each other onward as we anticipate that day dawning.”

The above verse emphasizes that we need each other, we can’t afford to live alone. We have to belong to a functional family unit so we can grow and learn from each other. The Bible talked about the first set of believers


Acts 2:46-47 (KJV)

And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

You can see that once a man is saved, it is God’s desire and design for him to be added to a church Now that you are saved, it is important and expedient you find a Bible believing church where you can listen to the Word, pray together with other believers and learn the ways to live in this path of righteousness. God bless you as you make this decision to join a community of believers