About the Gathering of Believers

The gathering of believers is a sacred assembly where hearts unite in worship, fellowship, and the shared pursuit of faith. As Christian converts, this communal experience is a cornerstone of our spiritual journey. In these gatherings, we find encouragement, support, and a sense of belonging. We come together to celebrate God’s love, learn from His […]

About the Word of God

About The Word of God YOUR NEW MEAL In life, food is an essential and vital part of growth. From the day a person is born, he or she requires food to grow. In fact, since conception, the embryo needs food (though in the form of nutrients supplied in-utero) to grow until delivery. This essentially […]


Changing the word Chance into Change

About THE BLESSINGS IN JESUS JESUS, THE LIFE CHANGER Permit me to tell you the story of a man whose life was in horror, perpetual pain, and shame. His situation terrified the people around him; he was deserted by friends, family, and acquaintances. But a time came in his life when he met with the […]


Jesus saves

About THE BLESSINGS IN JESUS NOW THAT I AM SAVED It is with great joy I welcome you home to the fold of Christ. You are now a new person in Christ Jesus.   2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; […]

About the blessings in Jesus

About the blessings in Jesus The blessings in Jesus are immeasurable and transformative, touching every aspect of our lives. As Christian converts, we discover a new identity and purpose through Christ. His love and grace bring forgiveness, healing, and peace that surpasses understanding. Through Jesus, we receive the blessing of eternal life, the guidance of […]

About Prayer

About Prayer PRAYER IS THE MASTER KEY While growing up, one of the songs I learned in Sunday school says, “Prayer is the key, prayer is the key, prayer is the master key, Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer; prayer is the master key.” Prayer opens all doors; it solves anything and everything. […]

About Steps to Repentance

About Steps to Repentance Steps to Repentance: Acknowledge you have sinned (Romans 3:23) Make a decision to repent and return to a New Life (Luke 15:17) Act on that decision (Luke 15:20) Confess and believe in the power of salvation (Luke 15:21) Don’t go back to sin (Hebrews 10:26) Fellowship with the Brethren & Father […]